
Get to know some of our spices

Organic Psyllium Whole Husk & Powder

Botanical Name: Plantago Ovata Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

Psyllium Husk powder is derived from the seeds of a plant commonly found in northern India. Psyllium Husk is high in soluble fiber and has long been used throughout the world to supplement one’s fiber intake. Adding psyllium to your diet promotes regularity as well as overall digestive health in a number of ways.

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The main reason this high-fiber psyllium powder is so useful as a dietary supplement is because it absorbs liquids and binds with partially digested foods to help them pass through the intestines and facilitate the digestion process. This helps relieve constipation, and at the same time this fluid absorption also reduces diarrhea, effectively balancing out the digestive system.

Psyllium’s fluid-absorbing properties also help create a feeling of fullness faster, which can help individuals lose weight by consuming less food, and thus fewer calories. Psyllium also slows the stomach emptying process, so individuals who consume a few grams of psyllium before or during a meal tend to feel full longer.

Research has also shown that consuming soluble fiber helps such as psyllium powder helps manage cholesterol levels and improve heart health by decreasing blood pressure, improving lipid levels, and helping to strengthen the heart muscle. Consuming a few grams of psyllium daily encourages the excretion of fat and bile acids from the body, which lowers LDL cholesterol, or ‘bad’ cholesterol while increasing HDL, which is ‘good’ cholesterol.

Psyllium is considered a very safe supplement with few side effects or cases of allergies, although it is important to note it should always be taken with a good amount of liquid to avoid any potential choking hazard. As psyllium goes in the throat it begins to expand in size, so liquids help dilute and pass it down to the stomach. As with all supplements, check with your doctor before taking psyllium if you are on any medications.

Organic Flax Seed Powder

Botanical Name: Linum usitatissimum Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

Flax Seeds and ground Flax Seed powder have long been considered one of the most powerful plant foods in existence. Although both provide the same health benefits, whole Flax Seeds are not completely broken down during the digestion process, which decreases some of the positive effects. Flax Seed powder contains high levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are good heart-healthy fats. It also contains high levels of Lignans which possess antioxidant qualities, and both soluble and insoluble fiber.

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Studies suggest that Flax Seed may also protect against various common types of cancer. Flax Seed contains the Omega-3 Fatty Acid known as “ALA,” which has been shown to minimize the formation and growth of tumors in animals. The plant Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in Flax Seed are also beneficial for the cardiovascular system by acting as an anti-inflammatory, and decreasing blood pressure and blood clots. These anti-inflammatory properties also help with inflammation associated with numerous other illnesses.

Flax Seed is not known to have serious side effects, but may cause discomfort to those with gastrointestinal problems. As with most dietary supplements, pregnant women should avoid Flax Seed due to its potential hormonal effects.

Organic Ginger Root Powder

Botanical Name: Zingiber Officinale Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

Ginger Root Powder is another one of the many delicious spices which also pack powerful health benefits. It is commonly known to help the digestion process and reduce nausea, yet that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this super-food. Indian and Asian cultures have been using ginger for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Ginger powder is ground from the root of the ginger plant, which is part of the same botanical family as turmeric.

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The most commonly discussed benefit of ginger is to reduce the effects of nausea. Therefore it’s useful in providing relief for pregnant women who suffer from “morning sickness,” or those who suffer from motion sickness, post-surgery nausea, nausea due to cancer treatment, among others. It also helps prevent vomiting which can be associated with these ailments.

Ginger is commonly used before and after meals to aid in the digestive process. It is known to help the body absorb essential nutrients. It also speeds up metabolism, which when combined with a healthy lifestyle, can even help an individual lose weight.

Aside from its digestive benefits, ginger is also known to treat common ailments such as the common cold and flu. Gingerol is the compound found in ginger that contains the most medicinal properties. Gingerol is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory which is proven to reduce joint pain as well as having antioxidant effects.

Perhaps best of all, ginger doesn’t have the negative side effects of many of the over-the-counter medications used to relieve these ailments, and it’s extremely easy to incorporate into your diet and adds a tasty kick to countless dishes.

Organic Senna Leaf Powder

Botanical Name: Senna Alexandrina Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

Senna leaf powder is an FDA-approved non-prescription herb commonly used to treat constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Senna contains sennosides, which help stimulate colonic muscle movement. It is intended as a short-term aid so that the body does not begin to rely upon it.

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Side effects are usually limited to cramping or diarrhea. Discontinue use and contact your doctor if you develop any signs of allergic reaction. Do not use for more than 2 weeks consecutively, or if you are pregnant or nursing. Anyone suffering from an intestinal blockage, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, or ulcers should not use Senna. Also, individuals on heart medication of any kind should consult with their doctor before taking Senna.

Organic Stevia Leaf Powder

Botanical Name: Stevia Rebaudiana Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

The Stevia leaf is known to be a great natural sweeteners which can substitute sugar in the diet. Unlike the processed Stevia extract commonly found in grocery stores that has recently gained more and more popularity, this is the actual Stevia leaf in its purest form ground into a fine powder. The white powder and liquid Stevia extracts are chemically processed and may pose more adverse health risks than benefits.

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Note that organic Stevia leaf powder will have slightly more of an “herby” taste being that it is exactly that. Just 1 tablespoon of Stevia leaf powder can provide the sweetness of half a cup of sugar, making this a potent and considerably healthier alternative.

Stevia is also high in anti-oxidants, adds no calories, and has no harmful side effects. In addition, it does not raise blood glucose levels which is ideal for diabetics. As with all herbal products, always consult with your doctor if you are nursing, pregnant, or using medications.

Organic Tumeric Root Powder

Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa Origin: India

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Kosher Certified
  • Steam Sterilized

Turmeric is a root plant native to India with a variety of uses. Although it is commonly ground into a spice for culinary use, or as a natural food coloring, Turmeric has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Turmeric is loaded with vitamins and minerals and has many benefits for the human body.

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Turmeric, with its active ingredient Curcumin, is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor, and antibacterial properties along with lowering cholesterol. Turmeric supports healthy digestive, respiratory, and digestive systems, and has been proven to help prevent and also reduce the spread of many common types of cancer. Turmeric’s prevention of cell damage also promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin.

Turmeric is also delicious when added to a variety of foods and can be incorporated into any diet. In fact, many Indian and Asian dishes you’ve been enjoying for years probably contain Turmeric as a spice.

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